The EUMarineRobots (EUMR) project is glad to announce the seventh “Coffee with EUMR” webinar on Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 10:30 CET. This webinar will be hosted by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) and will consist of a short talk presented by FER and a short talk given by the Interuniversity Center of Integrated Systems for the Marine Environment (ISME). The first talk titled "Advancing diver-robot interaction capabilities" will be given by Igor Kvasić, FER. The second talk is titled "Cooperative geolocalization and CNN-based Automatic Target Recognition for underwater autonomy" and will be given by Matteo Bresciani and Leonardo Zacchini from the ISME nodes of Pisa and Florence respectively.
Please use the link below to join the meeting.
The abstracts of the talks and short speakers' biographies follow:
Abstract "Advancing diver-robot interaction capabilities"
Project ADRIATIC - Advancing Diver-Robot Interaction Capabilities focuses on enabling cooperative motion between a diver and an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The lecture is going to present novel interaction methods such as controlling the AUV using a gesture recognition glove and modalities of remote testing in challenging COVID times done through the EUMarineRobots TNA framework.
Igor Kvasić is a researcher and PhD student at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and a member of the Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies, where he received his MSc in Electrical Engineering and Computing. His research interests include underwater vision, sonar image processing, human-robot interaction and is currently involved in the ONR NICOP project called ADRIATIC. He is the Vice-chair of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Student Branch Chapter of the University of Zagreb. .
Abstract "Cooperative geolocalization and CNN-based Automatic Target Recognition for underwater autonomy"
The presentation will describe the activities conducted during the LAUA and DAMOSS2 TNA projects. While the LAUA project focused on comparing different techniques for robot localization, with the final goal to apply them in a scenario for the geo-localisation of CO2 bubbles’ sources, DAMOSS2 aimed at investigating innovative automatic strategies for detecting and mapping the seabed CO2 seeps using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). Besides, the DAMOSS2 project sought to evaluate the acoustic localization performance in the presence of CO2 bubbles. These two strictly connected research activities have been conducted using heterogeneous assets to assess the performance of the various localization approaches and different Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to detect and localize the CO2 seeps.
Matteo Bresciani is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, and Vice-Chair of the IEEE-OES Joint Student Branch Chapter UNIFI-UNIPI. He received his B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering in 2015 and he graduated with honors in Robotics and Automation Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2018. His Ph.D. research topic is about navigation and localization of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, with a focus on distributed and cooperative systems. He presented his works to international conferences and was selected for the Student Poster Competition at Oceans 2020 Singapore.
Leonardo Zacchini received his B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering and M.S. degree in Automation and Control Engineering from the University of Florence, Italy, in October 2015 and March 2018. He is currently working on his Ph.D. in Autonomous Inspection Strategies for Underwater Robots at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, Italy. His research interests include guidance, navigation, and control systems of mobile robots, underwater robotics, robotics exploration, motion planning, and artificial intelligence for robotics..