A team from LSTS-FEUP has participated in the 2019 edition of the Breaking the Surface, the 11th International Interdisciplinary Field Workshop of Marine Robotics and Applications.
This is a workshop that brings together several practitioners of robotics applied to marine sciences such as Biology, Oceanography and Archaeology and, as such, a perfect fit for the LSTS technologies and expertise.
In the edition, LSTS was represented by João Sousa who gave a presentation on "Exploring dynamic features of the ocean with coordinated multi-domain robotics" and José Pinto, Keila Lima and Manuel Ribeiro which gave a hands-on tutorial and demo about "LSTS Toolchain: Bridging Interoperability Challenges".

For the demo and hands-on a series of platforms (UAV, ROV and AUV) controlled by different onboard softwares were controlled from a single Neptus console, showcasing the LSTS Toolchain as an interoperability framework to coordinate and command multi-domain vehicles with diverse capabilities and software.
Apart from the interoperability it was also possible to demonstrate how easy it is to operate multiple vehicles and update their plans on the spot using Neptus, feature used multiple times as multiple tourists in the water gathered and swam around the platforms being demonstrated.
More pictures at: https://bts.fer.hr/gallery/